Barry Campbell
+01.919.442.8298 (GoogleVoice)
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When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Hunter S. Thompson
Barry T Campbell
Skype, Twitter, Facebook: enrevanche
Put a gun to my head and make me guess, I'd say a lot of Chow and a fair bit of retriever in her.
Barry T Campbell
Skype, Twitter, Facebook: enrevanche
Josie, with Chow Bella, just outside the animal shelter:
More pix soon, including amusing cat interactions. We got lucky... this dog likes cats, and our cat already knows and likes dogs.
Barry T Campbell
Skype, Twitter, Facebook: enrevanche
Barry T Campbell
Skype, Twitter, Facebook: enrevanche
Aaron E. Carroll, MD: How to have a rational debate about health-care reform (Huffington Post)First, we need to decide which of the three – access, quality, and cost – are most important. Then we need to decide what we are willing to sacrifice in order to achieve that goal.Do you want to improve access? Then you need to admit to the American people that it’s going to cost money, and you have to discuss how we are going to raise that money. You may also want to address how this will affect the quality of everyone’s care, because it might.Do you want to bring costs down? Tell us how. It’s going to have to come in the form of either covering less people or spending less on health care. That can negatively impact quality as well.You know what you can’t do? Scream about the cost and the deficit and then lose your mind whenever someone discusses limiting coverage (rationing) or removing the profit incentive from insurance (public option). Both of those things have been shown, empirically and theoretically, to reduce cost.You know what else you can’t do? Demand universal coverage and then lose your mind whenever someone remarks that costs may skyrocket and that quality may suffer. Pointing those things out does not make you evil or mean you don’t care.It’s easy to demonize those who disagree. We have to stop - right now. People who disagree with me or with you don’t hate America. Nor do they hate the poor. They don’t hate insurance companies, they don’t hate sick people, and they don’t hate capitalism. It’s a myth that only one solution is available or that we can’t disagree about what to do. We should debate this; we should argue with each other passionately. That’s what Americans do.