24 November 2005

What Mister Gato is grateful for

He's happy that turkey is such an effective delivery vehicle for the amino acid tryptophan, which seems to induce sleepiness in mammals.

Tryptophan coma

Here, a turkey-stuffed chef and a turkey-stuffed tomcat are sacked out (photo by still-conscious wife; the white object protruding from under the comforter that Mister G. is resting his head on is my enormous, sock-clad foot.)

Be sure to check out the Friday Ark at The Modulator for more bloggers' pets from around the world - and don't miss the Carnival of the Cats on Sunday, this week hosted at IMAO.

(If you're a catblogger yourself, don't pass up the chance to join Ferdinand T. Cat's "Cat Lovers Community.")

And add yourself to our Frappr map, won't you?

Check out our Frappr!

Update: Carrie has some additional Mister Gato catblogging this week, for those of you who simply can't get enough.

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