When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Hunter S. Thompson

21 September 2005

Kinky Friedman for Texas Governor: Why The Hell Not?

The first Kinkytoon of the 2006 campaign is here.

That's right. Richard "Kinky" Friedman, the former bandleader of the Texas Jewboys and the brilliant lyrical and musical mind behind such songs as "They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Any More" is running for Governor of Texas, and his inaugural ad is a must-see.
We don't have Rick Perry or Carole Strayhorn money to get our message out, so we're putting our ad online and counting on you to spread the word. Please distribute the ad to friends and family so that it spreads like a bad rumor.
(Hat tip: Michael at Blog of a Bookslut.)

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